No Time to Wait is on!

No Time to Wait auditions!
No Time to Wait auditions!

Well, I've finally stepped off the precipice. After months of just talking to people one-on-one, I'm finally opening up No Time to Wait to auditions. This thing is going to be real, and will now be visible to people outside of a carefully selected audience. I'm more than a little terrified. I have visions of two days of an empty room.


Then again, worse comes to worst, I'll still be able to spend some time hanging out with the venue's owners, the AD and the fight coordinator. So it won't be all bad.


I'm very excited about the prospect of seeing people play with my script. We'll see how things go.

Tokyo Arts Week

Neptune Theatre
Neptune Theatre Logo

June 20-30 will mark the first annual Tokyo Arts Week. I have only a minor involvement, designing the logo for Neptune Theatre (above) and putting together the program for Burn This, which will play seven times during the week in addition to comedy, music, an art exhibit and a burlesque show.


Ed Gilmartin, who played George in Of Mice and Men, my first TIP production, has been one of the major forces in getting this started, and I'm very proud to be able to support his as I can. I'm also hoping to get some photography into the art show, if I can just get my rear into gear... 

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